Ticket Redemption

In 2025, Members who hold certain types of Memberships will be required to redeem their game day tickets online in order to access home games at 4 Pines Park via their Sea Eagles Account Manager, in lieu of a traditional barcoded Member card access

Members who hold the following memberships will be required to follow this process: 

  • 3 & 6 Game General Admission Membership
  • 3 & 6 Game Bob Fulton Membership

GA Ticket Redemption Instructions 2025

Bob Fulton Ticket Redemption Instructions 2025


Please note, once you have redeemed your ticket/s, you are unable to change to a different game. Tickets can be redeemed up until the day of your chosen game (pending availability).

Have any questions? Give our Membership Team a call on (02) 9970 3000 or email membership@seaeagles.com.au and they will be able to assist!